02-995-1111 office@rbstzedaka.com

RBS Tzedaka

Medical Support
treatments, medications, or vital surgeries

When little Nechama was diagnosed with a tumor, the R. family’s entire life seemed to turn upside down. In a flash, they had gone from being an ordinary family with ordinary struggles to a family contending with hospital stays, medications, chemotherapy and eventually… – expensive surgery in chutz la’aretz.

Until this point, their monthly income had just barely managed to cover their expenses. Now the family seemed to have reached their breaking point.

The parents were at a loss. They appealed to relatives and friends for help. Every last penny had already gone to cover the long, arduous treatments that their daughter underwent since the disease was diagnosed. Now, they had no way to come up with the money to cover the cost of the surgery abroad. They didn’t even have a single dollar to spend on airfare!

Their neighbors contacted the Kupa shel Tzedaka, and a fund was immediately established for the cause. The Kupa representatives appealed to many potential donors, and after weeks of hard work, they managed to raise the necessary sum.

An illness or other medical condition can be an extremely costly experience, leaving a family penniless or struggling with debts. Even difficult dental treatments or medications that are not included in the government’s “health basket” can drag a family to the edge of the abyss. The Kupa shel Tzedaka provides assistance in this area as well, helping cover the cost of treatments, medications, or vital surgeries.

Several months later, the parents brought little Nechama to the offices of the Kupa. The little girl had returned to health, and they thanked the Kupa profusely for the vital role that they had played in the process.

The numbers

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